Fashion roadkill

Fashion roadkill

Having attended The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium, Natalia H. strived to take the experiences she had gained and infuse them with components of Latin Culture. Drawing inspiration from topics and styles considered to be “tacky” or “untasteful” she reinvents these constricting stereotypes into designs that are beautiful and admired. With the current climate of the pandemic, original plans for the shoot were halted. Taking these circumstances as a creative opportunity, Natalia collaborated with close friend Murakita in creating 3D projections of the looks for this collection. Her 2BA collection titled “Fashion Roadkill” draws inspiration from the textbook definition of the term; meaning to fail on a catwalk. She explores the idea of being a victim to fashion through submitting to the pain, dangers, and restrictions of clothing as art, and the determination to be perceived as “fashionable” at any cost. With the emphasis on sourcing extravagant materials in order to create artful pieces so prevalent in fashion, “Fashion Roadkill” challenges that idea with the simplicity of the matter, and the complexities of conceptualization.


all looks Natalia H
photography NATALIA H @natosaave
3D art by MURAKITA @mur4kyt 




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